This past weekend was DreamHack: Atlanta 2019 and it was a big year with a lot to showcase. With all of the growth Elemensional Rift has been through this year with a hard push in development, there was a huge turn out for a big show of the south east. If you have been interested in eSports or competitive gaming in general and have never checked out DreamHack before, it is recommended to be worth checking out. It is in multiple places throughout the year and each location has it’s own unique feel. If you are not in the south east, be sure to check their website for a location that may be closer to where you live.
Elemensional Rift was at DreamHack: Atlanta to show new content to a crowd of competitive players who want to see how the game is continuing to grow. Since the last DreamHack showing, Elemensional Rift has gained 2 new fighters, a new stage, and several helpers and items. There was also a great bit of adjustment in gameplay mechanics and style for a wave of new faces to experience. The returning faces have also been able to see the efforts to grow and build towards release are quite strong. The reception was quite well received.

In addition to a strong showcasing, Elemensional Rift had a lot of great, special guests at the booth. Some of the notable guests include BlessRNG (best known for becoming a global emote for Twitch), Tygarlily (talented cosplayer of the Royal Masquerade), and LolitaBot (cosplayer, Tekken & Samurai Shodown player, and helps a lot for conventions with arcade maintenance).

In addition to the mentioned special guests, we had an extra special guest to help announce the newest fighter in the roster. We were graced with the cosplay talents of Mewgan, another cosplayer of the Royal Masquerade. The talents she used to make a character while the character was being developed and limited references to such a polished level requires a lot of great skills. She deserves an extra special shout out and acknowledgement for achieving such a challenging task.

Last, and certainly not least, is the Elemensional Rift DreamHack: Atlanta 2019 tournament. There was a great tournament turn out with players eager to play. There competition was fierce and the results were quite interesting. Each player in the semi-finals focused on a different character to wield in the tournament. After fierce battles, the champion was Catfi5hKing wielding the sturdy Miroi. His winning cheer for his victory was “Big plays bois!” In addition, since competitive scenes like to hear how characters played out and ranked out, here are the results of the character mains that made it to the semi-finals:
- 1st place – Miroi
- 2nd place – Mr. Bishounen
- 3rd place – Crispy B.
- 4th place – Psyren