
The fire elemental goddess and adept enthusiast of the performing arts, Hina is hot-blooded and in one’s face when she loses control. Her lack of control has been known for the cause of multiple infernos over her life. When she has control, she can be shy and reserved; when she can no longer take it, she is a raging inferno ready to get into one’s face and scorch those she has targeted. While it may be too late to bring back many of those lost to her flames, she does yearn to better be able to control her emotions and her flames so that no other victims will become accidental ashes.

Hina’s approach to battle is quite confrontational and stays in the opponent’s face. She wants to get up close and keep on top of them to continue dealing damage. While her fire breath is capable of reaching from a bit of a distance, it is an attack that can exhaust her energy quickly and does relatively little knockback and damage. Hina also has phenomenal edge guarding capabilities and when she can knock an opponent off of the edge, she can be one of the scariest opponents to face while returning to stable ground.

Loves to stay close and personalStruggles against foes who can keep distance
Possibly most threatening edge guardingFrail and can get knocked out easily
Racks up damage quickly on healthy opponentsMust accrue more damage to begin knocking out opponents
Multiple ways of burning an opponent
(which results in reducing opponents’ physical attacks)
Can be quite vulnerable when energy is exhausted
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