
The electric elemental god and well known lounger, ‘Zieque is a slacker brimming with natural talent. While many see him merely lounging around and sleeping a lot, he is actually one who only pursuits activities and passions that capture his interest while taking no effort in those which do not capture his attention. He is well known for not budging on doing tasks that aren’t exciting him, but when he catches the spark of interest, he gives his all into it. There seems to be something special capturing his attention from one of his siblings that he is yearning to learn more about. What could he be after and what will he achieve with knowing more about it?

‘Zieque is quite the extreme fighter. He is one of the few characters that injures himself when he uses his elemental attacks. In addition, he is one of the few that also uses energy for his elemental attacks. However, he is the fastest character in the roster and has more power than his weight class would normally have. His projectiles are travel extremely quickly as well. While he sets up the field to attack the opponents from multiple angles, he can quickly make an opponent feel trapped and pinned trying to avoid all of the attacks he can begin firing off.

The fastest character in the rosterInjures himself while attacking
Versatile ranged capabilities Trap plans can be interrupted by reckless foes or traps expiring
All projectiles travel quickly (when in motion)Can easily run out of energy, even when using physical attacks
Hits hard for his speed/weight classReckless usage can become extremely costly
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