NR, utd. was very fortunate to be invited to host an Elemensional Rift tournament at The L.A.G. courtesy of both The L.A.G. and Indie Cluster. Even though it was a Tuesday night, there was a really nice attendance. When things really kicked off, there was popping music, events and more. The music did not stop until the very end.
The tournament was also quite a surprising turnout. There was quite a healthy variety of players and experience levels leading to a wide variety of characters used throughout the tournament as well. Even the least expected contenders like Mr. Bishounen did get a little experimentation. Another unexpected surprise was seeing Nekuen getting a lot of attention and starting to steal the spotlight, something she has not done ever before. In addition, we even got to see some of the higher learning curve combatants (as ranked from the regulars in the weekly tournaments at Contenders eSports) getting picked up before the end of the night. The L.A.G. even used challonge to help keep track of the tournament so others could see the results afterwards. For those who want to see the results, they can look at it right here.
With a great attendance, it would be incomplete to not has a few pictures to share as well. Let’s start off with a picture of the booth!

Elemensional Rift even got a chance to be displayed on the projector for some extra style and more to check out the game!

Here is a photo of the finalists before they begin their match

Every tournament has to have a photo of the champion!

And thanks to, here is a sleek layout of the tournament results to enjoy.